The Wolfe & The Kron Bookstore was opened in March 2023. What started as a 20x10ft stall inside a flea market has grown into a full storefront in Uptown Asbury Park, NJ. A space for lovers of reading to gather and trade stories, both in their physical form, as books, and in the stories that inevitably surround the written page.
Alexis Finch, –aka Fin– named the store after her grandmother and great-grandmother, both lovers of reading and believers in the importance of the book, as a way to remember, and a way not to forget.
Fin was lucky to have grown up surrounded by a family of readers, but found it hard to find other book lovers, what with reading being a more solitary endeavor. She befriended her school and town librarians, made a nuisance of herself at used bookstores across multiple states, and amassed a shockingly large collection of books. More books demanded more bookcases, and those bookcases of books of course attracted attention. Friends borrowed books, or asked for recommendations, and little by little a community of book lovers began to coalesce.
Eventually, the inevitable happened. There are, after all, only so many walls in a room, and Fin had to decide to either forgo furniture in her house, or open a bookstore.
Now, many of those books –the ones that had languished on her TBR too long, the ones that were bought because the cover was just too tempting, or maybe with someone else in mind– have made their way to new shelves. Meanwhile, Fin gets to keep indulging in her book collecting habit, only now the books move on, into other hands, to other readers, ensuring playspace and laps for her two cats, and the good nights sleep for her, and her partner, on a proper bed.
Wolfe & Kron Books is a Woman / Queer Owned bookstore. We believe that Science is Real, that Abortion is Healthcare, that Women’s & Trans’ Rights are Human Rights, and that Black Lives Matter.
The Wolfe & The Kron Bookstore original space inside the flea market –now named Knackered Books and where you can find all our discounted, less than perfect, but totally readable books for $5 and under.